
How are you feeling today?

In need of change - I'd like to see how I can move towards new plans. I want to embrace the freedoms that my situation has offered me and explore ways to live a different type of life - something that I couldn't have done so easily if on a different life path.

What are you most proud of?

Everything that I've been through and survived - I'm still here and whilst I'm irrevocably changed in some aspects as a person, it's also allowed me to acknowledge myself more clearly. And it's also afforded me the opportunity to meet some wonderful people through the childless community - especially through my work supporting non-parent authors and sharing their stories, such as via the NoMo Book Club, and that's something I'm excited to expand even further in future.

What is your biggest learning in life so far?

That life can turn direction in a moment and isn't necessarily fair - bad things can happen to any of us, and we haven't done anything that means we 'deserve' it if this does happen. But it's how you choose to deal with or interpret these unexpected blows that is the real life lesson - there is a certain type of lived wisdom found in surviving those dark moments and, ultimately, you can choose to let it help you grow as a person.

What are your hopes for the future?

The freedom to live life on my own terms - and the freedom of mind to believe that I can do this.

What would you tell your younger self.

Don't waste so many years on poor friendships and bad relationships, and worrying what others think of you. Learn to love yourself and accept yourself in the here and now - don't absorb other people's negative perceptions of yourself and be your own kindest ally.

When or where are you happiest?

When I'm with my dog - he is the most beautiful soul and saved me at one of my lowest points. He has taught me how to live in the moment and find joy in the now, and I have so much love for him.

What would you like to say to wider society?

There are many routes to happiness - even the unexpected ones and, yes, even by being a non-parent. Not having the straightforward legacy which children or grandchildren so easily gives other people has really made me focus on how fleeting life is. We should all dig down into what truly makes us happy and what you genuinely want to do with your one precious life - it doesn't mean having to go along with the expected norm of marriage and kids. 



