
How are you feeling today?

Tired, excited, hopeful, grounded.

What are you most proud of?

Going back to school in my late 30s.

What is your biggest learning in life so far?

I’m always learning that my gut instincts and intuition are things to be trusted, not scrutinized and gas lit.

What are your hopes for the future?

To be surrounded by my animals, partner, friends and family. It’s my dream for everyone I love to eventually move to Upstate New York where we can live out or lives together puttering around town and getting into mischief.

What would you tell your younger self?

Try and enjoy your body and sexuality. You don’t have to stay small and “virtuous” (whatever the hell that even means). Experiment, have fun, communicate strong boundaries. You’re a gorgeous badass woman.

When or where are you happiest?

During early morning snuggle time. Spooning with our cats nestled into us. Spending time by the water. Cocktails with friends talking about life and listening to music.

What would you like to say to wider society?

To be honest, at this point in my life, I don’t think about childless vs non-childless very much…which I suppose is telling on where I am in my healing. I surround myself with good people. Some are childless, some are childfree and some are parents. I used to expend a lot of energy trying to educate people about the validity of my life-circumstances and choices and I’ve learned that some people are just intent on others fitting into a specific narrative that doesn’t disrupt their world view.



